Current Projects

Whew, where does the time go?  Well, a lot of it is spent running around the house and in and out while trying to train a new puppy.  Dixie is growing and finally starting to get the idea of what "outside" means (also "go potty").  I finally got a picture of her cute face.  This is what she looks like (before her first haircut which is scheduled for next week)

While she *is* keeping me pretty busy right now, I am getting in some stitching time in the late evenings when the dogs all settle down for the night.  I'm currently working on 4 projects.  One is going to be a gift for a friend, one is something I've never stitched before, and one is a new stitch variation that I learned recently.

I have another project I'm working on as well, but I'm not ready to share a preview picture of it yet.  Hopefully I'll be able to do that soon.

Til next time....Stitch on!