Gerry, a Baby Giraffe

Gerry, a Baby Giraffe

What's the earliest memory you have? My earliest memory is from when I was about 4 years old. My parents took me on a trip to the zoo. There's really only one thing that I remember about that day but the memory is so ingrained that over 50 years later I can see it as crystal clear as if it were yesterday. When we visited the giraffe area there was a brand new baby giraffe. It was SOOO cute. My dad put me on his shoulders and walked right up to the fence...and the baby giraffe came over to the fence too. Because of being on my dad's shoulders I was able to look the baby giraffe right in the eye, face to face. I put out my hand to the fence and the baby giraffe stuck his(or her) nose up and touched my hand. Then it gave me a lick. Hehe it tickled....and btw did you know giraffe's have dark gray/black tongues?

That's my memory and my little Gerry is in honor of that little baby giraffe.  Gerry was made for a "Day at the Zoo" challenge by the Thread Artist Guild (R)