My my how time passes when you're busy! I've not been posting here much because I've been very busy on a large special order for some counted cross stitch pin cushions. I'm nearly done with them now so I should be back to bear making (and making other things) soon.
Here are the pictures of the pin cushions I've been working on:
In addition to to the pin cushions I've also been working on a larger counted cross stitch design, Angel of the Sea by Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum. This is a memorial piece I'm doing in honor of my mother. I started stitching it when she had a stroke and was in the hospital. When she eventually passed away from a 2nd stroke I put this away and lost the desire to work on it. Now it's years later and I've picked it up again and am determined to complete it and hang it on the wall over my bed as a memorial to my mother.
This is my latest progress picture. Since this picture was done I've also completed the waves and shells at the bottom, along with the ribbons and wing on the left side: